hpereiradacosta added a comment.

  In D10438#205505 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D10438#205505>, @ngraham wrote:
  > FWIW I like it, but since this is mostly subjective, I wouldn't fight to 
the death to retain if if everyone else suddenly hated it.
  ok. Maybe it is just a question to get used to it. 
  also we'll see if we get user feedback.

  R31 Breeze


To: zzag, #breeze, #vdg, ngraham, hpereiradacosta
Cc: alake, colomar, januz, fabianr, mmustac, abetts, anemeth, plasma-devel, 
ZrenBot, progwolff, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, sebas, apol, mart

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