ngraham added a comment.

  In D6313#238595 <>, @acrouthamel 
  > I'm just saying if you prefer colored over symbolic line art, that is 
something for #Breeze <> or #vdg 
<> to work out. Not that they are really 
taking advantage of anything.
  > The bug here is that the system isn't aware of scaling at the moment. So 
the icons it **should** be displaying are the symbolic ones, regardless of 
whether you are running HiDPI or not (and whether you like them or not). That's 
because the menu should be displaying 24x24 or 32x32 icons, or whatever it 
should be. But in HiDPI environments it is doubling that (or whatever scale you 
have set), and displaying icons from high-res folders such as 64x64 or 96x96, 
where they shouldn't be displayed.
  > This patch fixes that issue and forces the system to load the correct size, 
as originally intended. Menus and stuff shouldn't be loading icons from these 
high-res folders. Symbolic vs. colored is a design thing to work out separately.
  Right, and I'm saying we need to work that out before we fix this. Visually, 
the whole point of making line-art versions for full-color icons is to look 
better at really small sizes on low-resolution screens. If we fix this bug 
without resolving the issues in Breeze, then people with HiDPI screens will see 
line-art icons where the full-color ones would work fine and look better.
  ...Unless I'm misunderstanding something obvious, in which case, feel free to 
ignore my deluded ramblings!

  R302 KIconThemes


To: broulik, kde-frameworks-devel, #plasma, #vdg
Cc: hein, rkflx, acrouthamel, ngraham, elvisangelaccio, mart, kvermette, cfeck, 
davidedmundson, plasma-devel, #frameworks, ragreen, Pitel, michaelh, ZrenBot, 
lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol

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