rizzitello added a comment.

  > How does your suggestion relate to both the DPI value of your hardware and 
what Xorg uses? Do we actually set a higher DPI value for Hi(gher)DPI hardware 
automatically, so the actual size to the eye is independent of the display in 
use? If not, why not?
  I have several HiDpi displays on a few machines and  Not a single one has 
changed the dpi for me. I have had to set the dpi on each machine. After that 
is done pretty much all scaling issues go away. Other then the occasional icon 
or control w/ a hard coded size. I do not use scaling on my hidpi displays at 
all it is not needed after the dpi is correctly set.
  > Other Os sizes.
  Looking around the net and trying on some windows machines here it seams they 
really bury the font size settings since i was not able to find them in the 
font or display area, they only provide an option to adjust scale of the screen 
or the dpi . To change the font setting you need to modify the theme your 
using.  After digging around I checked on windows 7 the default for is 9pt. 
every thing with a font. I was not able to find that box on the windows 10 
machine tried on.

  R119 Plasma Desktop


To: ngraham, #plasma, #kde_applications, valorie, #vdg
Cc: rooty, filipf, safaalfulaij, rikmills, harmathy, rkflx, abetts, 
davidedmundson, rizzitello, plasma-devel, ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, 
ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, sebas, apol, mart

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