ngraham added a comment.

  In D13415#317064 <>, @sharvey wrote:
  > Thanks for the investigation. I've been hoping someone else would lend a 
pair of eyes to this problem for ages.
  > When you change the icon in `user-manager` repeatedly, are you prompted for 
a root password **every time**? On my system (Tumbleweed), there's a "grace 
period" where I don't get re-prompted and the icon doesn't change reliably.
  Right, there is a "grace period" of five minutes after every time you enter 
your password. This is built into PolicyKit, I believe. As far as I can tell 
from keeping a Dolphin window open showing the contents of 
`/var/lib/AccountsService/icons/`, the icon immediately gets updated correctly 
on disk every single time I change it in `user-manager`. I'm unable to fully 
confirm your assertion that the icon only reliably gets changed in Kickoff 
after being promped for a password. For me, it's a bit more subtle than that: 
the icon only reliably gets changed in Kickoff  the **first** time I change it 
in `user-manager` that triggers a PolKit prompt after plasmashell has been 
started or restarted. I get a blank circle for all other circumstances:
  - Change icon in `user-manager` after restarting plasmashell less than 5 
minutes after the last change, such that there is no PolKit prompt
  - Change icon in `user-manager` twice after restarting plasmashell, waiting 
more than 5 minutes each time so a PolKit prompt will be triggered; second 
update does not change Kickoff
  I can also confirm @hein's report that this patch is 100% reliable when 
**not** using `user-manager`. I patched `KUser::faceIconPath()` in 
`KCoreAddons` to only ever return the `~/.face.icon` path, instead of 
`/var/lib/AccountsService/icons/$username`, and it becomes 100% reliable. I 
don't get the "Unsupported image format" error anymore, which is a little odd 
because the two images are identical:
  $  (master) md5sum /var/lib/AccountsService/icons/dev ~/.face.icon 
  28badcce926e3e4b1696e8bcac7b04d9  /var/lib/AccountsService/icons/dev
  28badcce926e3e4b1696e8bcac7b04d9  /home/dev/.face.icon
  What a weird bug.

  R119 Plasma Desktop


To: sharvey, ngraham, davidedmundson, mart, apol, abetts
Cc: sefaeyeoglu, hein, plasma-devel, ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, 
ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart

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