rooty added a comment.

  In D17975#390336 <>, @rooty wrote:
  > Is there a way to give the icon itself padding? I've been using anchors but 
there's nothing I can think of to anchor it to? If I anchor it to the 
notification text in any way, I can add a margin, sure, but it gets //stretched 
out beyond belief// if there's too much text.
  AFter playing around with the code (I'm still very new to this), I came up 
with this:
    PlasmaCore.IconItem {
        id: appIconItem
        width: (bodyText.lineCount > 1) ? units.iconSizes.large : 
(notificationItem.height - 2 * units.smallSpacing)
        height: (bodyText.lineCount > 1) ? units.iconSizes.large : 
(notificationItem.height - 2 * units.smallSpacing) 
  And a dozen binding loops later (wow!) the padding is indeed even with one 
heading + one line of description, regardless of what font is used (and the 
icon is still a square). And it looks fine with 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 2.5x scaling set 
up, but when it's 1.1, 1.2 etc. or the font is >10 pt in size, the icon is 
larger when the lineCount is 1 than when the line count is greater than 1.
  This solution seems very strange/crude to me though, and it's not without its 

  R120 Plasma Workspace



To: rooty, #vdg, #plasma, ngraham, davidedmundson
Cc: broulik, Codezela, abetts, filipf, davidedmundson, hein, ndavis, 
plasma-devel, kvanton, jraleigh, GB_2, ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, 
ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, sebas, apol, mart

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