rooty added a comment.

  In D17975#390875 <>, @ngraham wrote:
  > With this patch: F6539252: With patch.png 
  TLDR: Yup, but that's only **the tip of the iceberg** (of the problems that 
plague //both master and this patch//)
  It's the problem I described two comments ago:
  > However, if another font is used, the amount of padding below the icon 
changes (Cabin - 5 px, Lato - 3 px etc.). It's because I've been using 
bottomPart or the implicitHeight to make the notification "taller" so as to 
give the icon padding.
  >  Is there a way to give the icon itself padding? I've been using anchors 
but there's nothing I can think of to anchor it to? If I anchor it to the 
notification text in any way, I can add a margin, sure, but it gets //stretched 
out beyond belief// if there's too much text.
  I've been using fonts to illustrate the problem but your screenshots //do a 
better job.//
  In addition, changing the height of the **icon** results in several binding 
loops (gross), or in an icon that's not a square (album art), or the situation 
in your second screenshot. Hardly ideal.
  I just don't know how to add bottom padding //to the notification icon 
itself// and have the height of the notification adapt accordingly.
  P.S. This did, however, shed some light on things that have been bothering me 
about the current master.
  > Status quo: F6539251: Without the patch.png 
  Should this happen? There's no description yet there's an empty space. The 
icon doesn't resize accordingly. This is what happens in master with fonts 
>10pt and scaling that's a non-integer that's not a multiple of 0.5 (1.1, 1.2, 
1.3 etc.), resulting in padding underneath the icon (not the notification 
text!) and none above. For example:
  F6539300: image.png <>
  The plot thickens - another screenshot of **master** (not this patch)
  F6539302: image.png <>
  I'm assuming this second one is because of the close button. This doesn't 
happen with this patch but I'm assuming I merely obscured the problem rather 
than solved it.
  I'm at a loss as to how to proceed. The padding problems result from:
  - in master, because the icon is defined as "units.iconSizes.largeSpacing" 
without any regard for the user's font (or scaling factor actually, except when 
it's 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3)
  - in this patch, because of the units.iconSizes.largeSpacing thing and my 
lack of proficiency in QML and inability to give the icon padding without 
manipulating either its height or that of the entire notification (doing the 
former results in **several binding loops** OR an icon that's **distorted in 
size** and isn't a square... doing the latter results in the problem depicted 
in your screenshots)

  R120 Plasma Workspace


To: rooty, #vdg, #plasma, ngraham, davidedmundson
Cc: broulik, Codezela, abetts, filipf, davidedmundson, hein, ndavis, 
plasma-devel, kvanton, jraleigh, GB_2, ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, 
ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, sebas, apol, mart

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