
I've spent quite a bit time on remote desktop support for Plasma Wayland 
sessions. I have full mouse support in xdg-desktop-portal-kde and also in Krfb 
so it can be easily tested and used. Problem is that I'm currently blocked by 
my additions to the FakeInput protocol on KWayland and KWin side and I'm 
unable to get this reviewed. The addition is basically just about allowing to 
move with mouse cursor using absolute coordinates, because current API allows 
only relative coordinates. Therefore I would like to kindly ask if someone 
from Plasma/KWin maintainers can look into this so I can get this off my 

The reviews are here:
KWayland: https://phabricator.kde.org/D18114
KWin: https://phabricator.kde.org/D18115

Also, while mouse support might be enough for someone, we still need keyboard 
support, which I tried to add into the FakeInput protocol as well, but it was 
rejected by Martin as he would like to have a different and more secure way.  
I currently don't have that much time to investigate this further and 
implement myself, but it might be a good idea for a GSoC task, it would just 
need someone from KWin maintainers to help on this front, while I can help on 
the portal side of thing. Are there any volunteers for this? Any idea how all 
of this can be done?

If you want to see a demo of the remote desktop, see the link below, on one 
laptop I used Krfb (server) running on Wayland session and on the other one I 
used Krdc (client).

Link: https://jgrulich.fedorapeople.org/wayland_remote_desktop.mkv



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