On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 12:29 PM Jan Grulich <jgrul...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've spent quite a bit time on remote desktop support for Plasma Wayland
> sessions. I have full mouse support in xdg-desktop-portal-kde and also in
> Krfb
> so it can be easily tested and used. Problem is that I'm currently blocked
> by
> my additions to the FakeInput protocol on KWayland and KWin side and I'm
> unable to get this reviewed. The addition is basically just about allowing
> to
> move with mouse cursor using absolute coordinates, because current API
> allows
> only relative coordinates. Therefore I would like to kindly ask if someone
> from Plasma/KWin maintainers can look into this so I can get this off my
> plate.
> The reviews are here:
> KWayland: https://phabricator.kde.org/D18114
> KWin: https://phabricator.kde.org/D18115
> Also, while mouse support might be enough for someone, we still need
> keyboard
> support, which I tried to add into the FakeInput protocol as well, but it
> was
> rejected by Martin as he would like to have a different and more secure
> way.
> I currently don't have that much time to investigate this further and
> implement myself, but it might be a good idea for a GSoC task, it would
> just
> need someone from KWin maintainers to help on this front, while I can help
> on
> the portal side of thing. Are there any volunteers for this? Any idea how
> all
> of this can be done?
> If you want to see a demo of the remote desktop, see the link below, on
> one
> laptop I used Krfb (server) running on Wayland session and on the other
> one I
> used Krdc (client).
> Link: https://jgrulich.fedorapeople.org/wayland_remote_desktop.mkv

Hi Jan!

Fake Keyboard input needs to be implemented for KDE Connect (CC) as well,
where you can use a device (e.g. your phone) to send keyboard input to

We looked a bit into the different input protocols, assuming one of the
on-screen keyboard ones would suffice, but we didn't find what to implement


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