
Unfortunately I do not think that I can help you, but I am having a 
similar problem.

I am have been trying to use the IMU sensor, (I have added a few missing 
player interface related files), but in my case the acceleration is 
allways zero. Anyway I was not able to figure out why so I made some 
minor additions to the gazebo code and differentiated the linear 
velocity between each timestep. This way the reported acceleration will 
be the actual velocity derivative. The problem is that I wont get 
g=-9.81 in my output. This is OK in my ground robot case as I usually 
just remove the gravity component anyway. For flying robots I do not not 
know if this is Ok.

I tried adding an additional "artificial" gravity vector (rotated into 
the curent body coordinate system) but realised that when the robot was 
moving along the Z-axis (very rarely), I would get double acceleration. 
-9.81 as well as the actual velocity derivative (-9.81 when free 
falling). I the end I removed the artificial gravity vector, as I actual 
have no real use for it.

It is probably possible to solve this in some smart way but I have not 
had time to try and figure one out.

I am using a fairly recent Gazebo svn version and player 3.0.2


On 03/28/2011 05:26 PM, Neostek wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> i'm using Gazebo to simulate a PD controller on a quadrotor UAV.
> The control evalueates the force and torque to apply to the quadrotor and
> then i use the methods
> dBodyAddRelForce(body_id, 0, 0, thrust) and dBodyAddRelTorque(body_id,
> roll_torque, pitch_torque, 0).
> Now i would like to get information about position, velocity and
> acceleration of the quadrotor.
> To do so, i use the methods:
> body->GetPosition()
> body->GetLinearVel()
> body->GetLinearAccel()
> and the last one appears to give practically nonsense results (gravity
> acceleration depending on the mass for instance...).
> Browsing into the code i found out that GetLinearAccel() simply does
> return this->GetForce() /  this->GetMass();
> That is " F = m*a "  as it should be.
> Anyway the controller works and the quadrotor get still on the target point,
> but the acceleration i get on the z axis is positive (e.g. = 19.6) even
> though the quadrotor is not varying its height.
> I really have no point...please help me! :)
> Thanks in advance.
> Marco
> For the sake of completeness i'm using the following software version:
> Gazebo - 0.9.0
> Player - 2.1.3

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