Okay, I managed to fix the namespace errors, and now player creates a file
called position.pioneer2at_model::position_iface_0 in /tmp/gazebo-xx-0.

So, now I am able to subscribe to and command the position2d:0 interface,
but when I try to move the pioneer using my mouse in the playerv window,
nothing happens.

I'm just wondering, is there a position3d interface available that I should
maybe try connecting to?  Position2d just doesn't work.  Works in Stage,

Hopefully someone can suggest something... Thanks for looking.

logicalguy wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm following the gazebo quick-start guide
> http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/doc/Gazebo-manual-svn-html/
> for the pioneer2at.model and it throws up the errors below:
> -------------------------
> $ gazebo pioneer2at.world 
> Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 0.10.0
> Part of the Player/Stage Project [http://playerstage.sourceforge.net].
> Copyright (C) 2003 Nate Koenig, Andrew Howard, and contributors.
> Released under the GNU General Public License.
> models/pioneer2at.model:19: namespace error : Namespace prefix controller
> on differential_position2d is not defined
> <controller:differential_position2d name="controller1">
>                                                       ^
> models/pioneer2at.model:25: namespace error : Namespace prefix interface
> on position is not defined
>   <interface:position name="position_iface_0"/>
>                                              ^
> [/home/ro/playerstagegazebo/gazebo-0.10.0/server/GazeboConfig.cc:103]
>   Gazebo Path[/usr/local/share/gazebo]
> [/home/ro/playerstagegazebo/gazebo-0.10.0/server/GazeboConfig.cc:115]
>   Ogre Path[/usr/local/lib/OGRE]
> Gazebo successfully initialized
> --------------------------------------
> So, when I run player with the player_cgfs/gazebo.cfg located in my
> gazebo-0.10.0 directory I get the following messages:
> ----------------------------------
> $player player_cfgs/gazebo.cfg 
> Registering driver
> Player v.3.0.2
> * Part of the Player/Stage/Gazebo Project
> [http://playerstage.sourceforge.net].
> * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2009 Brian Gerkey, Richard Vaughan, Andrew Howard,
> * Nate Koenig, and contributors. Released under the GNU General Public
> License.
> * Player comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software, and
> you
> * are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see COPYING
> * for details.
> invoking player_driver_init()...
>  * Part of the Player/Stage Project [http://playerstage.sourceforge.net]
>  * Copyright 2000-2006 Richard Vaughan, Andrew Howard, Brian Gerkey,
> Nathan Koenig
>  * and contributors. Released under the GNU General Public License v2.
> success
>   Gazebo Plugin driver creating 1 device
>     6665.31.0 is  a simulation interface.
> opening /tmp/gazebo-ro-0/simulation.default 112 33842432
> opening /tmp/gazebo-ro-0/simulation.default +112 33842432
>   Gazebo Plugin driver creating 1 device
>     6665.4.0 is  a position2d interface.
>   Gazebo Plugin driver creating 1 device
>     6665.6.0 is  a laser interface.
>   Gazebo Plugin driver creating 1 device
>     6665.10.0 is  a fiducial interface.
> listening on 6665
> Listening on ports: 6665 
> --------------------------------------------------
> And, the following files are created in my /tmp/gazebo folder:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> $ ls /tmp/gazebo-ro-0/
> factory.default              graphics3d.directional_white              
> simulation.default
> gazebo.pid                   graphics3d.pioneer2at_model
> graphics3d.default         graphics3d.plane1_model
> -------------------------------------------------------
> As you can see, file for position_iface_0 is not created, and when I try
> to subscribe to this service via playerv, it crashes with the following
> errors:
> ------------------------------------------------------
> accepted TCP client 0 on port 6665, fd 9
> Error Subscribing to Gazebo Position2d Interface
> error opening device file
> /tmp/gazebo-ro-0/position.pioneer2at_model::position_iface_0 : No such
> file or directory
> ------------------------------------------------
> Also, playerv crashes with the following error output:
> ------------------------------------------------
> $ playerv
> PlayerViewer 3.0.2
> Connecting to [localhost:6665]
> playerc warning   : warning : [Player v.3.0.2] connected on
> [localhost:6665] wit         h sock 6
> Available devices: localhost:6665
> simulation:0     gazebo                                  unsupported
> position2d:0     gazebo                                  ready
> laser:0          gazebo                                  ready
> position2d:1     vfh                                     ready
> fiducial:0       gazebo                                  ready
> playerc error   : timed out waiting for server reply to request
> player:0:request         :3
> playerc error   : failed to get response
> playerv : error in
> /home/ro/playerstagegazebo/player-3.0.2/utils/playerv/pv_dev_        
> position2d.c
>   libplayerc error: failed to get response
> playerc error   : socket disconnected
> playerc warning   : warning : failed to reconnect
> playerv : error in
> /home/ro/playerstagegazebo/player-3.0.2/utils/playerv/pv_dev_        
> position2d.c
>   libplayerc error: warning : failed to reconnect
> playerc warning   : warning : no socket to peek at
> playerc warning   : warning : no socket to peek at
> playerc error   : close failed with error [Bad file descriptor]
> playerv : error in
> /home/ro/playerstagegazebo/player-3.0.2/utils/playerv/playerv         .c
>   close failed with error [Bad file descriptor]
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> My gazebo.cfg file, which I feed to the player command, is as follows:
> ----------------------------------------------
> driver
> (
>   name "gazebo"
>   provides ["simulation:0"]
>   plugin "libgazeboplugin"
>   server_id "default"
> )
> driver
> (
>   name "gazebo"
>   provides ["position2d:0"]
>   gz_id "pioneer2at_model::position_iface_0"
> )
> driver
> (
>   name "gazebo"
>   provides ["laser:0"]
> #  gz_id "laser_iface_0"
>   gz_id "pioneer2at_model::laser"
> )
> driver
> (
>   name "vfh"
>   provides ["position2d:1"]
>   requires ["position2d:0" "laser:0"]
>   cell_size 0.1
>   window_diameter 61
>   sector_angle 1
>   safety_dist_0ms 0.2
>   safety_dist_1ms 0.4
>   max_speed 0.3
>   max_turnrate_0ms 75
>   max_turnrate_1ms 50
>   weight_desired_dir 5.0
>   weight_current_dir 3.0
> )
> driver
> (
>   name "gazebo"
>   provides ["fiducial:0"]
>   gz_id "fiducial_iface_0"
> )
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Can anyone please tell me where it's going wrong and what can I do to fix
> it?
> All help appreciated much.
> Thanks.

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