On Sat, 14 Jan 2006, Arkadiusz Miskiewicz wrote:

> On Saturday 14 January 2006 00:09, Marcin Król wrote:
> > > Hawk, what's the status of bootdisks?
> >
> > They are quite usable IMO. Bootdisk TODO is not closed yet, but I think
> > we can live without those things.
> Cool.
> > > I'm going to create ISO and DVD images with AC snapshot soon
> >
> > Don't do it! Seriously. I've updated package definitions for installer
> > ~4  weeks ago, but I'm sure that I'll have to update it again after AC
> > freeze (I mean, real freeze not the one we have now). 
> There will be no big changes now. 1-2 weeks is for finishing missing 
> dependencies on ftp and that's all ( + missing packages that people want). 
> There is also one update I'm waiting for - php 4.4.2.

Can we get my yesterday's rc-scripts/vserver clenup into AC?
- what about openoffice?
- what about java-dependant packages?
        I know we can't distribute java, bu we can distribute packages
        that depend on it, so what about installing java on builders
        and build java-dep packages?
- I'm all for openldap 2.3, and if no one will step out to do it then
  count on me 

> > When we will be sure that AC is really, _really_ frozen, I'll fix
> > installer for it.
> I'll give you info when builder request access will be restricted - that 
> should be good time to update installer.

Will test-builds be restricted also? It would be nice to send a
test-build for AC to see if a package at least builds in AC environment.

Jan Rękorajski            |  ALL SUSPECTS ARE GUILTY. PERIOD!
BOFH, MANIAC              |                   -- TROOPS by Kevin Rubio
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