On Saturday 14 January 2006 11:28, Jan Rekorajski wrote:

> Can we get my yesterday's rc-scripts/vserver clenup into AC?
Sure, I'll put new rc-scripts.

> And:
> - what about openoffice?
2.x doesn't build on ppc (well, it builds but fails in %install stage on 
mkdiring some things)

> - what about java-dependant packages?
>       I know we can't distribute java, bu we can distribute packages
>       that depend on it, so what about installing java on builders
>       and build java-dep packages?
I'm all for it but afaik some redistributable packages require 
non-redistributable one and that would cause too many manual interventions on 
builders. There was once idea to create developers only distfiles and ftp 
resources for packages with NoSource. I have no idea how to deal with that 
java stuff without manual packages (!= java-sun) installation on builders.

> - I'm all for openldap 2.3, and if no one will step out to do it then
>   count on me
Start playing :)

> > I'll give you info when builder request access will be restricted - that
> > should be good time to update installer.
> Will test-builds be restricted also? It would be nice to send a
> test-build for AC to see if a package at least builds in AC environment.
test-build access stays as is.

> Janek

Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz                    PLD/Linux Team
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