On 6/18/07, Arkadiusz Miskiewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There is a bug in poldek. mis is going to fix it tonight.

It looks much better now (I upgraded most of the system), still no
luck with expat (I'll try to reinstall the package, since it cannot be
upgraded by rpm as well).

But, the following behaviour is another unwanted "feature" (sorry for
the locale):

Installing set #7
Przetwarzanie zależności...
libsmbclient-3.0.24-3.x86_64 zostanie zastąpiony przez
Zaznaczono 2 pakiety do instalacji, 1 do usunięcia:
I libsmbclient-3.0.25a-1.x86_64, libsmbclient-3.0.25a-2.x86_64
R libsmbclient-3.0.24-3.x86_64
Potrzeba pobrać 1.6MB archiw (1.6MB do pobrania).
Po rozpakowaniu 8.5MB będzie użyte.
Pobieranie th-test::libsmbclient-3.0.25a-2.x86_64.rpm...
.............................. 100.0% [832.3K (28.0K/s)]
Pobieranie th-test::libsmbclient-3.0.25a-1.x86_64.rpm...
.............................. 100.0% [832.0K (29.5K/s)]
Uruchamianie sudo /bin/rpm --upgrade -vh --root / --noorder...
ostrzeżenie: pakiet libsmbclient = 1:3.0.25a-2 był już dodany,
pomijanie libsmbclient < 1:3.0.25a-1
ostrzeżenie: package file
was skipped
Przygotowywanie...          ########################################### [100%]
Ponowne pakowanie...
   1:libsmbclient           ########################################### [100%]
   1:libsmbclient           ########################################### [100%]

In short: poldek fetches two packages if both are newer than the
currently installed one. Then it executes rpm -Uhv, and rpm skips the
older of them.

Michał Łukaszek
pld-devel-en mailing list

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