
qwiat did a hell of a good job resurrecting the PLD LiveCD idea. The
ISO is available here:


Please report all bugs to:


Send kudos to qwiat.


In other news:

We have a working Anaconda installer. No ISO builds available yet, the
screenshots are available here (post is in Polish only):


Current features:

* operates from the above PLD Live 2.0 ISO
* supports both text-mode and graphical installations
* results in a bootable system (proper fstab, modprobe.conf, initrd)

Remaining issues:

* we need to fix comps.xml
and remove old packages from the list (like syslog which doesn't even
start with default config)
* PLD Th needs to have up-to-date repomd repositories (createrepo
format) - arekm reported some problems there

Patryk Zawadzki
pld-devel-en mailing list

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