On niedziela 31 sierpnia 2008, 18:17, Patryk Zawadzki wrote:
> Hi,
> qwiat did a hell of a good job resurrecting the PLD LiveCD idea. The
> ISO is available here:
> ftp://ep09.pld-linux.org/people/qwiat/
> Please report all bugs to:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/pld-linux
Consider creating PLD-Live package (or sth like that)
So far, I've spotted that file with MD5 sum is not suitable for md5sum -c 
processing, user live account is protected by password (`pld', but I had to 
get this by guesswork).

> Send kudos to qwiat.
Looks and works nice. Maybe, in spite of it is beta release, it is worth 
mentioning on www.pld-linux.org

Tomasz Wittner
pld-devel-en mailing list

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