On Friday 07 May 2010 16:33:21 Jacek Konieczny wrote:
> Patryk Zawadzki <pat...@pld-linux.org> wrote:
> > I'd opt for having 2 separate -init subpackages, one with the current
> > rc.d contents and one with an upstart job description and a simple
> > rc.d wrapper that runs "start $foo", "stop $foo" etc.
> -upstart subpackages done. Addin "-init" makes no sense, as current
> upstart job handling implementaion relies on the init.d scripts for LSB
> compatibility and doing things not doable with bare Upstart
> (non-SIGHUP-reloading, 'checkconfig', advanced status monitoring).

i'd rather avoid completely the new subpackage here, if needed move 
the /etc/init dir to filesystem package to avoid dirdeps pulling upstart, and 
use conflicts tag for the current requires tag.

> Some documentation for the rc-scripts+upstart usage is here:
> http://svn.pld-linux.org/cgi-bin/viewsvn/rc-scripts/branches/upstart_native

upstart_controlled --except configtest

i don't really understand how flush-logs is handled, or it's just not 
perfectly implemented yet? also how do you specify multiple excludes remains 

also, configtest before reload/restart action would be really important to 
have in upstart as well, considering that we restart services on rpm 
upgrades. does upstart have such concept after all as restart/reload in 

ps: would be nice to know where's source of documentation, for example i did 
not find myself description of job file directives.

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