On Sun, May 09, 2010 at 02:52:57AM +0300, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:
> i'd rather avoid completely the new subpackage here, if needed move 
> the /etc/init dir to filesystem package to avoid dirdeps pulling upstart, and 
> use conflicts tag for the current requires tag.

Patrys asked for subpackages and it makes sense - the easiest to choose 
between upstart-way and the-old-way per package.
> syslog-ng/syslog-ng.init:
> ...
> upstart_controlled --except configtest
> i don't really understand how flush-logs is handled,

It is not. 'service syslog-ng flush-logs' will tell you that. On the
other hand - with upstart 'reload' does the same.
Of course, flush-logs can be implemented in the init script. I guess it
should if it is used by anything else (logrotate?)

> also how do you specify multiple excludes remains unclear.

When '--except' is used, then all what follows are the excludes.

> also, configtest before reload/restart action would be really important to 
> have in upstart as well, considering that we restart services on rpm 
> upgrades. does upstart have such concept after all as restart/reload in 
> scripts?

No. 'reload' in upstart is 'kill -HUP', anything else must be
re-implemented in the init script.  Restart is 'stop; start'. Hmmm...
Now I can see 'restart with configtest' may be easily implemented.
Whenever '--except configtest'  is used, 'upstart_controlled' can call
configtest before trying restart.

configtest on start makes little sense with upstart IMHO.

> ps: would be nice to know where's source of documentation, for example i did 
> not find myself description of job file directives.

>From the rc-scripts init.txt:

 The syntax of the ``/etc/init/*.conf`` files is described in the
 init(5) man page.

And yes, looking for a current Upstart documentation in the web gives
no good results.

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