On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Caleb Maclennan <ca...@pld-linux.org> wrote:
> First of all, the user you are suggesting for RW access previously had
> such access and voluntarily dropped it, publicly resigning from the
> project.
Search the mailing list archives for "mkochano" who also dropped his
RW access, also sent a number of patches to the list afterwards and
was asked many times to send the password hash, so he would regain his

> sense. For a user who has previously resigned, I think we need
> something else.
Very nice. Creating new rules when the old ones do not fit you.

> Like a notice of intent from the user perhaps?
He asked me personally to give him a vote of confidence. He also
gained such votes from pawelz and vip.

> Since being on the devel lists is a requirement for all developers,
> this seems like a show stopper for repo access until such a time as it
> is resolved.
Maybe I also shouldn't be a developer because some people filter me in
their mail clients? You are going too far. The ban is on the mailing
list access, not on being developer. By the current rules, shadzik
should be a developer, since he got the customary 3 votes for him.

> If you or another user with RW access would like to handle the
> interaction with this user and be responsible for the commits, there
> is nothing to stop them.
Yes, we get that, you don't want shadzik to have RW access. But these
patches are not something that has happened overnight. They were sent
to the mailing lists regularly for more than a year, and I think he
should be able to apply them himself. I thought it was clear.
Apparently not.

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