On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Caleb Maclennan <ca...@pld-linux.org> wrote:
> Which brings us to the next problem. This user has been banned from
> the development lists for bad behavior, in particular a consistent
> series of posts that people felt were trolling and non-constructive.
> Since being on the devel lists is a requirement for all developers,
> this seems like a show stopper for repo access until such a time as it
> is resolved.
I just thought about one funny thing.


If shadzik is unable to regain CVS RW access due to his inability to
be on the development list, I think it's only fair that arekm also
should lose his RW access due to reasons in the linked mail. CVS
admins, do your duty. One way or another.

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