On 30.11.2014 15:56, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:
> On 30.11.2014 14:04, Jan Rękorajski wrote:
> > Important line is:
> >
> > converted 'https://dl.bintray.com/groovy/maven/groovy-binary-2.3.8.zip' 
> > (ANSI_X3.4-1968) 
> > ->'https://dl.bintray.com/groovy/maven/groovy-binary-2.3.8.zip' (UTF-8)
> >
> > Download works If I either set locale to something.UTF-8 or
> > add --local-encoding=UTF-8 option to wget.
> >
> > -- 
> perhaps they should set proper content-type to avoid wget trying charset 
> translation. what i see now is:
>    Content-Type: application/unknown

If I read above correctly conversion is applied to url only before any
http request happens and probably it's something about converted url
that breaks download process.

Anyway thanks Jan, reproducer was shared with bintray's support and
let's see if they come up with a solution.
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