On 16.05.2015 00:29, Jeffrey Johnson wrote:
On May 15, 2015, at 4:49 PM, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:

i'm writing code to make minimal chroot of pld.

how to get rid of these files in safe manner, so they would not be missed, or 
not needing any kind of rpm db rebuild, /bin/rpm is just ready to be used:


i invoked:

# db5.2_load -r lsn /var/lib/rpm/Packages

but that did not remove the files.

Good: you are removing LSN's before copying Packages.

Note that log.* and __db.* files are not portable, having both bdbversion and 
arch-specific info.
as it's arch specific chroot, portability is not an issue ;)
but nevertheless i don't want tmp files in chroot tarball which gets placed to various systems.

A --rebuilddb will recreate indices and regenerate log/* entries from 
rebuilding the indices
there's no good way to embed post actions to static tarball. so i try to avoid executing any commands after unpacking. therefore not even removing /var/lib/rpm contents, just leaving at some usable state.


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