On May 16, 2015, at 5:49 AM, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:

> On 16.05.2015 00:29, Jeffrey Johnson wrote:
>> Some mixture of these commands will make Packages portable for a chroot.
>>      dbXY_recover -v                 # remove ___db files
>>      dbXY_checkpoint -1      # create an empty commit
>>      dbXY_archive -d                 # remove unused log files
>> (my guess: if the LSN's are removed, then the last/empty log files will be 
>> removed)
>> Otherwise just remove log/* and try-and-see.
> so, i ran these (in that order), but last log seems to remain. you suggest 
> it's safe to remove log/*?

Depends on what your goal is: minimum size or minimum scripting.

The log files are presized at 10Mb (default) which can be configured
 but should compress well.

Remove the log file and try-and-see. At worst you will have to do --rebuilddb
to recreate.

73 de Jeff

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