On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 11:34:42AM +0100, Ramon van Handel wrote:
> ,------ hardware ------. ,------ chip on motherboard ------. ,- processor -.
> perhiperal interrupt <---> IO/APIC <--(interrupt cpu map)--> LAPIC <---> CPU1
>                                    <--(interrupt cpu map)--> LAPIC <---> CPU2
> The I/O APIC exists only on SMP boxes, but all processors come with a LAPIC.
> For uniprocessors the LAPIC is not so interesting, but it does provide a
> few extra high-resolution timers that can be used (that wouldn't kill plex
> though).
Thanks, that was very clarifing.  However, not all procesors, apparently,
have LAPICs.  On my system, with IOAPIC and LAPIC support enabled, the
kernel creates a fake LAPIC.  (Unfornatly, AFAICS, you can't tell if you're
using a real LAPIC or a fake one without doing a little bit of kernel

The odd part is that I've got an Athlon 750 -- by no means an old CPU.

       -=- James Mastros
"My country 'tis of thee, of y'all i'm rappin'!  Lan where my brothers
fought, land where our King was shot -- from every building top, let freedom
        -=- Monique, Sinfest[.net]
AIM: theorbtwo       homepage: http://www.rtweb.net/theorb/

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