I'm working on a fix for this--which is why I'm working on making a back
version inclusive copy of the CVS.  If you get yourself a copy of the CVS
at an earlier date it should work fine.  Unfortunately for all of us, the
last CVS update happened not too long before Kevin's trouble with
Mandrakesoft--so we aren't quite sure what is causing the problem.  The
best explanation is that there is something wrong with the handling of the
switch to protected mode--but I have yet to be able to test that idea.

I hope to have a fix out soon for all of those debian folk who must be
really diasappointed (sp?)--and for everyone else here--so that we can get
the show back on the road.  Once again, I'd like to say that I can't do
all of this alone--and any help that we can get doing debug (even if you
don't have any idea about how to fix the errors that you find) is greatly

On Tue, 25 Dec 2001, Robert Millan wrote:

> Hello!
> After commenting the bochs-init parameter, i'm
> still unable to boot GNU/Linux (although FreeDOS
> works fine). I'm using the Debian installation boot
> floppy which can be found at 
> ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/potato/main/disks-i386/current/images-1.44/root.bin
> Here's an error log:
> ----------------------------------
> Processing command-line options
> Opening VM (/dev/plex86)
> Processing config file /etc/plex86/gnu-linux...
> Allocating 8MB of physical memory in VM
> Mapping virtualized physical memory into monitor
> Zeroing virtualized physical memory
> Mapping monitor print buffer into user mem.
> ROM: loading image '/usr/lib/plex86/bios/rombios.bin' @ 0xf0000 (65536
> bytes)
> ROM: loading image '/usr/share/vgabios/vgabios.bin' @ 0xc0000 (23124 bytes)
> Setting prescan depth to 3
> prescan on
> Processed 61 lines of config file '/etc/plex86/gnu-linux'
> Initializing plugins
> Running VM
> ::init_monitor OK -----------------
> nexus_size = 0x24E
> ::sysIOOut: No handler defined for port 0x70!.
> ::sysIOIn: No handler defined for port 0x71.
> ::sysIOOut: No handler defined for port 0x71!.
> ::plex86 panic: 
> ::emulate:1 default case of 5
> Fatal monitor error caused Panic
> eax:0x0
> ebx:0x0
> ecx:0x0
> edx:0x0
> ebp:0x0
> esi:0x0
> edi:0x0
> esp:0x1a
> eflags:0x46
> eip:0xa0000
> cs:s=0x0, dl=0xffff, dh=0x9b00, valid=1
> ss:s=0x0, dl=0xffff, dh=0x9300, valid=1
> ds:s=0x0, dl=0xffff, dh=0x9300, valid=1
> es:s=0x0, dl=0xffff, dh=0x9300, valid=1
> fs:s=0x0, dl=0xffff, dh=0x9300, valid=1
> gs:s=0x0, dl=0xffff, dh=0x9300, valid=1
> ldtr:s=0x0, dl=0x0, dh=0x0, valid=0
> tr:s=0x0, dl=0x0, dh=0x0, valid=0
> gdtr:base=0x0, limit=0x0
> idtr:base=0x0, limit=0x3ff
> dr0:0x0
> dr1:0x0
> dr2:0x0
> dr3:0x0
> dr6:0xffff0ff0
> dr7:0x400
> tr3:0x0
> tr4:0x0
> tr5:0x0
> tr6:0x0
> tr7:0x0
> cr0:0x60000032
> cr1:0x0
> cr2:0x0
> cr3:0x0
> cr4:0x0
> inhibit_mask:0
> Stack dump:
> Current instruction:
>  0000.000A0000  0000                     addb    %al, (%bx,%si)
> Shutting down plugins
> bochs: Note: X11: bx_gui_c::exit() not implemented yet.
> Unmapping guest physical memory.
> Unmapping monitor print buffer.
> Tearing down VM
> Closing VM
> --------------------------------
> My configuration file is almost default with few minor
> modifications:
> ####################################################################
> # This is an example plex86 configuration file
> ####################################################################
> ####################################################################
> # Memory settings
> ####################################################################
> # number of megabytes for vm
> memory = 8
> ####################################################################
> # Plugins
> ####################################################################
> plugin = /etc/plex86/user/plugins/bochs/plugin-bochs.so
> bochs-opt boot: a,c
> #bochs-opt floppya: 1_44=./.plex86/gnu-linux.fd0, status=inserted
> bochs-opt diskc: file=./.plex86//gnu-linux.hd0, cyl=1024, heads=16, spt=63
> bochs-opt keyboard_serial_delay: 200
> bochs-opt floppy_command_delay: 500
> bochs-opt vga_update_interval: 300000
> bochs-opt mouse: enabled=0
> bochs-opt private_colormap: enabled=0
> bochs-opt i440fxsupport: enabled=0
> bochs-opt newharddrivesupport: enabled=1
> bochs-opt ips: 1000000
> bochs-opt time0: 938581955
> #bochs-init
> # The system BIOS
> load-rom: file=/usr/lib/plex86/bios/rombios.bin, address=0xf0000
> # The VGA BIOS
> load-rom: file=/usr/share/vgabios/vgabios.bin, address=0xc0000
> ####################################################################
> # Debugging settings
> ####################################################################
> # syntax for disassembly
> db_syntax = at&t
> ####################################################################
> # VM tweaks            
> ####################################################################
> # Maximum depth that the scan-before-execute code will try
> # to recursively prescan code in the current code page, by
> # following intra-page branches.
> prescan: depth = 3, ring3 = on
> ####################################################################
> # end of config file
> ####################################################################
> Thanks very much!
> -- 
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Robert Millan          Debian GNU/Hurd user
> zeratul2 wanadoo es    http://getyouriso.dyndns.org/
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Join us in civil disobedience and distribute DeCSS!!
> ----------------------------------------------------
> /*    efdtt.c     Author:  Charles M. Hannum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            */
> /*    Length:  434 bytes (excluding unnecessary newlines)                */
> /*    Usage is:  cat title-key scrambled.vob | efdtt >clear.vob          */
> /*    title-key can be read from the DVD by css-auth. (see livid.org)    */
> #define m(i)(x[i]^s[i+84])<<
> unsigned char x[5],y,s[2048];main(n){for(read(0,x,5);read(0,s,n=2048);write(1,s
> ,n))if(s[y=s[13]%8+20]/16%4==1){int i=m(1)17^256+m(0)8,k=m(2)0,j=m(4)17^m(3)9^k
> *2-k%8^8,a=0,c=26;for(s[y]-=16;--c;j*=2)a=a*2^i&1,i=i/2^j&1<<24;for(j=127;++j<n
> ;c=c>y)c+=y=i^i/8^i>>4^i>>12,i=i>>8^y<<17,a^=a>>14,y=a^a*8^a<<6,a=a>>8^y<<9,k=s
> [j],k="7Wo~'G_\216"[k&7]+2^"cr3sfw6v;*k+>/n."[k>>4]*2^k*257/8,s[j]=k^(k&k*2&34)
> *6^c+~y;}}

|^^^ |  | |^^| |^^^  Drew Northup, N1XIM  |^^| |    |^^^ \  / /^^\ /^^~
|__  |  | |  | |                          |__| |    |___  \/  |__| |__
   | |  | |  | |           www.plex86.org |    |    |     /\  |  | |  \
___| |__| |__| |___ web.syr.edu/~suoc/    |    |___ |___ /  \ __/ __/

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