From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 02:40
Subject: [plex86] Long live plex86

| I am very pleased to see plans being made to revive plex86.

Me too.

| I found the new plex86 project on savannah. I hope the CVS problems can be
| solved so the code can endup there too. I have a lot of backup versions
| (snapshots) of past, working versions. I can put them on my server if that
| helps.

Maybe find some version that more or less works. At least something that
works with late 2.4 kernels and does not crash the machine. I think that is
the best place to start. Later contributions can be added if we understand
how to fix them :-)

| Could we maybe have a common codebase for the common parts of the two
| projects and seperate code for the processor emulation/virtual machine
| Of course this means the API for the interaction between the parts should
| somewhat stable and at least be documented.

Only feasable if Bochs is actively maintained.

| Now the bochs code uses "plugins" from bochs. Maybe it is also possible to
| make plex86 a plugin into bochs. Just like a
| written-in-assembler-and-optimized-for-this-single-host-processor code
| interpreter could be a plugin into bochs.

I think we better opt for using from Bochs what we need and go on with what
we have from Plex86. To be honest, I want to get rid of any Bochs reference.
It is a great source, but this project is Plex86 and in my opinion, we
should not do anything because it is done in Bochs that way.

| But maybe I am going too fast and we should focus on just getting CVS up
| running with a working plex86 version.

That is my opinion too.


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