I'll check this out.....

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I just ran a cvs -z3 update -APd to make sure everything is up to
> date with my plex86 source tree.
> I'm having issues similar to those expresseqd by Aaron Lehmann back in
> June of 2001.
> To the best of my knowledge, I have never put code from linux-2.4.13
> on this Debian 2.2r2 box.  I use make-kpkg to make my own 2.4.17
> packages (and before that, my own 2.2.20 packges).
> When I clean, configre, and make the plex86 source, the module
> appearently gets made for the 2.4.13 kernel, and insmod refuses to
> install the module.  Editing the makefile to compile with
> -DMODVERSIONS causes module insertion errors due to many missing
> symbols.
> Pardon my ignorance, but what did Aaron mean by "Passing
> --with-linux-source=/home/aaronl/src" in the build process.  I tried
> passing "--with-linux-source=/usr/src/linux" several different ways.
> Passing this option to configure doesn'tseem to make any changes.
> "make" doesn't likethis option, and editing the
> plexa86/kernel/Makefile to pass this option to gcc causes gcc to barf.
> I'm running modutils v2.4.13.  How would the modversions version
> get confused with the kernel version kernel?
> Insmod also points out that the liscence string isn't set in
> the module.  You may want to set the liscence string to "LGPL"
> for forward compatability reasons.
> Any tips you could offer would be much appreciated.
> -Karl
> P.S. please cc [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your responses.  Majordormo didn't
> send me any subscription verification and I seem to remember that
> majordormo usually sends verification.

|^^^ |  | |^^| |^^^  Drew Northup, N1XIM  |^^| |    |^^^ \  / /^^\ /^^~
|__  |  | |  | |                          |__| |    |___  \/  |__| |__
   | |  | |  | |           www.plex86.org |    |    |     /\  |  | |  \
___| |__| |__| |___ web.syr.edu/~suoc/    |    |___ |___ /  \ __/ __/

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