I _have_ an upgrade step - obviously, I have to if I'm able to run the
upgrade through the portal_setup tool

Perhaps the integer profile version is the issue.  I admit to having been
curious about why exactly the Plone version numbers were integers. Why does
it need to be an integer?  portal_setup doesn't care, and the actual Plone
upgrade doesn't run through the Add/Remove products panel anyway.

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 11:40 AM, Jean-Michel FRANCOIS <tou...@gmail.com>wrote:

> first generic setup profile version (in metadata.xml) must have an integer
> Next you have to register a upgradestep
> You can find many of them here and their:
> https://github.com/collective/collective.js.jqueryui/blob/master/collective/js/jqueryui/profiles.zcml
> https://github.com/collective/collective.gallery/blob/master/collective/gallery/upgrades.zcml
> An upgrade step is a simple method
> https://github.com/collective/collective.gallery/blob/master/collective/gallery/upgrades.py
> Regards / Cordialement,
> JeanMichel FRANCOIS
> Find me on Google + <https://profiles.google.com/toutpt>
> 2011/12/2 derek <aus...@pointerstop.ca>
>> I was under the impression that Plone would show an "Upgrade" button
>> for any product whose installed metadata version was < the metadata
>> version on the filesystem, and for which there was a Generic Setup
>> upgrade step whose "source" and "destination" tags matched: ie,
>> upgrade steps that would be shown automatically in /portal_setup/
>> manage_upgrades.
>> Unfortunately, I have never yet got Plone to show me that button, and
>> I always have to go to the portal_setup tool.  So what else is needed
>> for Plone to recognize that I have an update available?
>> --
>> derek
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