On 11/1/12 10:29 AM, Maurits van Rees wrote:

A few quick questions about the new style collections in Plone 4.2, to check that I understand them correctly.

Unless I have missed something, old style collections are not migrated to new style when migrating to Plone 4.2. Does someone have code that would do that? Perhaps an add-on that I missed? If not, then I might want to create a package for that.

I'm not aware of existing code to do this, but it would be a nice thing to have. Perhaps it would make sense to add to plone.app.collection (as an optional thing) instead of a separate package?

Sub collections are not possible in the new style. I guess this is because the UI and the logic can quickly get confusing and you do not win much over creating a second, separate collection.


I am guessing that creating a folderish version of the new style collections should work though, allowing you to nest them. Some logic would be needed that looks for a parent collection and combine the two queries. That may not be good for Plone core, but are there technical reasons why this would not be possible?

I'm not aware of technical reasons against it. I think the subcollection feature was removed mostly because it was confusing.
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