On 5/27/13 3:30 AM, ajung wrote:
I have one thing to add. Some person tried to explain me (in a pointless way)
how OSS works...

Here is the situation: most of us wear more than one head...most of work as
integrator and as core developers (in some way).

Shouting out "fix this yourself" is not an answer.

With former releases the costs and amount of work for performing Plone
upgrade has been predictable. With Plone 4.2 and Plone 4.3 I ran into so
many weird problems. In fact a migration estimated to two days took four
extra unpaid days.  My subjective feeling is said migration between Plone
4.X versions became harder and more work than migration in Plone 3.x and
even between Plone 4.X

Here is the point: customers expect reasonable prices and we integrators
need a reliable framework under the hood.

As integrator _and_ core developer: Yes, I could analyse and fix lots of
things. Who pays this?

Integrators that are not core developer: they are pissed because everything
is a moving target. Add-ons must be ported and adjust from version to
version; things became unpredictable and unreliable

Plone end-user maintaining and running Plone without special background are
even more pissed by missing documentation, improper documentation, broken
tools etc.

This situation - especially seen from the prospective of customer (including
large university
customers) - is seen with sceptism.

The situation is paranoid: we are running around and tell people how call
Plone is
(if it works) - but in real life we have the feeling that Plone became a
piece of scary and fragile

Yes, a stable and reliable framework is important. Failures to achieve that hurts the entire community: customers, because they have to pay more than they expected for an upgrade; integrators, because they have to make compromises to satisfy upset customers; and core developers, because they lose motivation trying to respond to upset integrators.

So whose responsibility is it to guarantee that reliability? It is the responsibility of the entire community. We do not have an organization that pays people to do quality assurance and that guarantees satisfaction with the framework. As long as there are lots of us individual combined-integrator-and-core-developer people who actually contribute fixes to problems, that is actually a strength of Plone as a framework: there isn't a single company whose failure would jeopardize the reliability of the software. But it does mean that we need share in the work that needs to be done, and it's the reason that sometimes the response is "fix it yourself."

Thanks for pointing out some specific places where the Dexterity documentation is out of date. Steve McMahon and I are working on fixing this. Additional specific suggestions for improvements, as opposed to general griping, would be appreciated.

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