On 5/27/13 11:46 PM, ajung wrote:
David Glick (Plone) wrote
Thanks for pointing out some specific places where the Dexterity
documentation is out of date. Steve McMahon and I are working on fixing
this. Additional specific suggestions for improvements, as opposed to
general griping, would be appreciated.
I am reading a subliminal allegation that integrators (perhaps
I take this to personal) do nothing for the community and only live
from others peoples work - without contributing anything back.
Not participating as core developer does not mean that I/we don't
contribute on various level (ask me for a long list if you want to see

I think you're misreading what I said then. I appreciate your contributions and was in fact trying to thank you for this one.

Reading your criticisms of Dexterity was hard for me because I've put a lot of time and effort into trying to maintain it over the past couple years. Much of the criticism is valid, so it reminds me of some of the ways in which I've failed. My comments about the need for the whole community to be responsible were not meant as judgment on anyone's contributions or lack thereof, but more of a plea for help since I don't feel capable of fixing the problems on my own.
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