On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 4:55 PM, Encolpe Degoute <encolpe.dego...@free.fr> wrote:
>   * links to our GPL'd Python code (eg, by using Python's "import"
>     statement)

I agree with the intent of this and the long-standing community choice
of license, but sometimes wonder if the logical implications of the
claim "use this namespace and also this API, and that means you have
created a derivative work" are negative vis-a-vis Oracle v. Google?

Dynamic linking is a problem for copyleft definitions of derivative works.

We as free software folks want APIs to not be copyrightable, except
when it is useful?  It seems a bit problematic to say API use
constitutes a derivative work (or even API plus namespace use) because
if this ever did go to court, it might set or reinforce case law
possibly detrimental overall to free/open software and culture?

Just food for thought.  Not intending to troll or stir up controversy here.

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