On 2014-05-14 07:53, ajung wrote:
While I agree with the reasons behind for removing the field in the first
place there is a major problem
when this field is not available at least as a behavior. For the migration
process from AT to plone.app.contenttypes
it is not desirable to (silently) discard the location information. There
should be a way to preserve this information during the migration.

Agree, at least an optional default string-field behaviour is needed and needs to get activated while migration if "Location" was used in the old site.



hvelarde wrote
On 13-05-2014 15:21, Philip Bauer wrote:
Omitting the field in DX was intentional. See

HV> no, it wasn't; as I mentioned we had a conversation about this on
the Dexterity developers group more than 2 years ago and we came into
the conclusion that the field should be added, but no index should be
included letting the integrators the freedom to use whatever location
implementation they wanted to use.

I simply can't find the ticket on the Google group.

I know this because I ended adding a location field on collective.nitf,
package that was on it's early stage of development at that time:


may be David remembers this.

Klein & Partner KG, member of BlueDynamics Alliance

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