I'm continuing to make progress on the Crushinator project; there's some more code in the repo now, and I've just finished a write up of some of the implementation details pertaining to getting values from the end user (it addresses a lot of the historical pain we've felt with ZopeSkel and PasteScript and the UI): http://wp.me/p8How-90

I have the implementation described in my blog post partially in place on my working copy, any feedback would be extremely helpful as I proceed.

I also want to remind everyone that the Crushinator Sprint is still going to happen at the Plone Conference next month. I'll be coming in on the Wednesday before the conference starts (the 2nd) , so if anyone is around for training and would like to get a head start (or just get a beer with me :P) I'll be in sometime in the morning.

Anyway I'm looking forward to your thoughts on the RFC I posted! I'm very happy to see the releases of ZopeSkel, it's great to see such an important tool being tended with such care.

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