cc'ing Steve as he's done the most work on zopeskel.dexterity recently, afaict.
On Jun 15, 2012, at 1:50 PM, Leonardo Caballero wrote:

>  I think that now zopeskel.dexterity can be usable or compatible with the new 
> template mechanism.

This is excellent news, Leonardo.  Thanks for the work!  

> But now I am try to fix the localcommand option for this package.

For examples of local commands, take a look at the templer.localcommands 
package, which provides the basic support for having local commands at all, and 
then also at the templer.plone.localcommands package, which provides specific 
local commands for the templates in the templer.plone package.  

The idea here is that we would like to have the ability to __not__ have local 
commands if a developer doesn't want them.  The issue around Paste, PasteScript 
and PasteDeploy being installed __inside__ your development egg if you have 
local commands is a big enough problem that I've been working hard on making it 
an option.  

In order to 'properly' fix things, I would suggest the following changes:

1.  Keep zopeskel.dexterity compatible only with ZopeSkel <= 2.99, pinning that 
dependency in the zopeskel.dexterity egg file.  This would prevent 
others from hitting the issue that you have tripped over.

2.  Create a new templer.dexterity package that contains only the main template 
and no local commands, plus and extra dependency to have local commands (see 

3.  Create a new templer.dexterity.localcommands that provides dexterity local 

4.  Add templer.dexterity[localcommands] to ZopeSkel 3.0 so that it is 
automatically included in the distribution.

Any thoughts on this, Steve?  What would be best from your standpoint?


Cris Ewing
Principal, Cris Ewing, Developer LLC

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