On Jun 19, 2012, at 10:52 AM, Leonardo Caballero wrote:

> 2012/6/19 Leonardo Caballero <leonardocaball...@gmail.com>
> Hi Cris
> 2012/6/15 Cris Ewing <c...@crisewing.com>
> cc'ing Steve as he's done the most work on zopeskel.dexterity recently, 
> afaict.
> On Jun 15, 2012, at 1:50 PM, Leonardo Caballero wrote:
>>  I think that now zopeskel.dexterity can be usable or compatible with the 
>> new template mechanism.
> This is excellent news, Leonardo.  Thanks for the work!  
> you're welcome
>> But now I am try to fix the localcommand option for this package.
> For examples of local commands, take a look at the templer.localcommands 
> package, which provides the basic support for having local commands at all, 
> and then also at the templer.plone.localcommands package, which provides 
> specific local commands for the templates in the templer.plone package.  
> The idea here is that we would like to have the ability to __not__ have local 
> commands if a developer doesn't want them.  The issue around Paste, 
> PasteScript and PasteDeploy being installed __inside__ your development egg 
> if you have local commands is a big enough problem that I've been working 
> hard on making it an option.  
> In order to 'properly' fix things, I would suggest the following changes:
> 1.  Keep zopeskel.dexterity compatible only with ZopeSkel <= 2.99, pinning 
> that dependency in the zopeskel.dexterity egg setup.py file.  This would 
> prevent others from hitting the issue that you have tripped over.
> When you said ZopeSkel <= 2.99 do you reference to ZopeSkel-2.19 or 
> ZopeSkel-2.9? 
> I thing so ZopeSkel-2.21.2 is last version that support the old template 
> mechanism right? 
> If so, it would be correct pinning version to ZopeSkel-2.21.2?
> And this way can be fixed the problem while move zopeskel.dexterity to 
> templer mechanism
> Just pinning version 'ZopeSkel<=2.21.2' to zopeskel.dexterity, the problem is 
> fixed and I tested generating a dexterity product and generate localcommand 
> for a content type and behavior without any problem. 
> Steve or Cris there are any problem if I commit the changes to trunk branch? 
> https://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/zopeskel.dexterity/trunk 

Is zopeskel.dexterity still in the Plone svn repo?  whoa.

> 2.  Create a new templer.dexterity package that contains only the main 
> template and no local commands, plus and extra dependency to have local 
> commands (see templer.plone)
> 3.  Create a new templer.dexterity.localcommands that provides dexterity 
> local commands
> 4.  Add templer.dexterity[localcommands] to ZopeSkel 3.0 so that it is 
> automatically included in the distribution.
> Yesterday I created those packages and zopeskel.dexterity template and 
> localcommand is moving to new packages as you suggested.
> Any thoughts on this, Steve?  What would be best from your standpoint?
> c
> Cris Ewing
> --------------------------------------------------
> Principal, Cris Ewing, Developer LLC
> http://www.crisewing.com
> c...@crisewing.com
> 1.206.724.2112
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> -- 
> Atentamente
> T.S.U. Leonardo Caballero
> Linux Counter ID = 
> http://counter.li.org/cgi-bin/runscript/display-person.cgi?user=369081
> Key fingerprint = 9FD2 DC71 38E7 A1D1 57F5  1D29 04DE 43BC 8A27 424A
> /me Corriendo Debian Squeeze 6.0 y Canaina GNU/Linux 2.1
> /me Cree "El Conocimiento Humano le Pertenece al Mundo"
> -- 
> Atentamente
> T.S.U. Leonardo Caballero
> Linux Counter ID = 
> http://counter.li.org/cgi-bin/runscript/display-person.cgi?user=369081
> Key fingerprint = 9FD2 DC71 38E7 A1D1 57F5  1D29 04DE 43BC 8A27 424A
> /me Corriendo Debian Squeeze 6.0 y Canaina GNU/Linux 2.1
> /me Cree "El Conocimiento Humano le Pertenece al Mundo"
> _______________________________________________
> ZopeSkel mailing list
> zopes...@lists.plone.org
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Cris Ewing
Principal, Cris Ewing, Developer LLC

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