Hello Alan,

On Tue, 2008-09-02 at 12:18 -0700, Alan W. Irwin wrote:
> I think we should deal properly with leap seconds because of the
> problem you
> mentioned above and also the problem that our fundamental time
> variable
> would then have a strange relationship with externally defined time
> systems
> which might confuse our users. So I have looked into the issue of leap
> seconds some more. 

I appreciate your desire to do this (especially given my understanding
of your background), and I will also admit that my suggestion not to do
so is partially selfish, in that it would complicate our own

That said, I think I agree that if we are to handle leap seconds that
the preferred route would be a simple lookup table, and one that would
only be approximate for the period 1960-1972; implementing the
interpolation here would be possible of course, but a headache that may
not ever be appreciated or required.

I won't dwell on the problem of maintaining an up-to-date lookup table,
apart from the fact that it also requires users to regularly update
their software. My own experience is that once a user gets something
working they are reluctant to upgrade unless there is a compelling
reason, with the result that a whole range of versions will be installed
around the globe. Even those of us at the development front don't update
all software components - only those that we are forced to. My 2-year
old Suse system, with most (not all) of its original applications, suits
my needs quite well.

But I would draw to you attention a real problem that lurks in this can
of worms. Suppose you want to plot two minutes of data that contains a
leap second. Of course, your continuous time variable will happily run
across that boundary unknowingly and give you the "correct" curve;
ignoring leap seconds and converting each timetag would give a slight
kink as the same time is plotted twice - or an artificial gap of a
second depending on the sign of the leap second which you would wish to
avoid by using TAI.

However, you now need to put ticks and labels on your axis. Now you have
a problem. What you need to do is find the "nice" boundaries (say 30
seconds), divide these into sub-intervals of 5-seconds, and put, say
hh:mm:ss labels at 30 second intervals. If the labels are to
be :00, :30, ... then the major ticks (and one of the sub-ticks) won't
be evenly spaced. Otherwise your labels will drift,
e.g., :00, :30, :01, :31. Fixing either of these will be very messy code
that will almost never be hit.

For longer time intervals the width of a second on the plot is
insignificant, so leap seconds are probably not visible and can be
ignored anyway.

A solution to the user who needs them is then to plot such short time
intervals as an XY plot, rather than going through the plplot time
handling - though access to documentation and the "new" plplot time
routines would enable them to annotate their plot with a UTC time
somewhere for reference.

A compromise alternative might be to have a TAI/UTC(no_leaps) flag
somewhere in the code, function parameters, and/or pltm struct so the
user could choose whether to use or ignore leap seconds. In this case
I'd suggest they then put up with drifting labels and ticks if they need
to worry about leap seconds.

Critical to making all this work is a consistent set of routines that
START from a broken-down time and CALCULATE a continuous
time-since-epoch together with the inverse. If the epoch is not
advertised - or comes with a health warning - users will be forced to
start from broken-down time and all should be well (meaning there will
be no surprises).

I'll discuss more with my colleagues here, and I think we all need to
work through some of the ramifications of either approach. For plots
with lots of datapoints, there will be a calculation overhead in all
this that isn't at all visible in the relatively simple plplot examples.

Blame it on the Earth. 


Professor Steven J Schwartz      Phone: +44-(0)20-7594-7660
Space and Atmospheric Physics    Fax:   +44-(0)20-7594-7772
The Blackett Laboratory          E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Imperial College London          Office: Huxley 6M70 
London SW7 2BW, U.K.             Web: http://www.sp.ph.ic.ac.uk/~sjs

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