Hello plpplot developpers,

I'm new to plplot, I need it mostly thru it's ocaml binding.

There are some concern, however:

- from my understanding, the only option to embed a/several plots in a
window, is to use the gnomecanva, right?
  unfortunately, it's anti-aliasing quality is poor (I only got some
form of text antialiasing in the C canva animation
  demo, after uncommenting a mistyped ANTIALISED_CANVA in gnome.c under driver/)

- The cairo driver generate plots 15-20% smaller than the other
drivers (at least under OSX).

- The cairo driver does not rescale the plot when the user resize it's
windows (but flicker like mad processing redraw event anyway).

- I'm missing the randr X extension under OSX, could it have some bad influence?

I would like to embed high quality screen output (like the wxWin,
probably using quartz) in a gtk ocaml application, using simply the
gtk drawing area to embed the cairo output, is it possible? I may help
implementing it if necessary.

Someone has a backup of the cairo-demo CVS repo? it's down, and cairo
comes with almost no examples, poor doco :-(
The best starter I have is a ocaml-cairo example, which is not easy to
follow for implementing first a way to export
the cairo output to a drawing area in C.


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