On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Zorg 421<zorglub...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello plpplot developpers,
> I'm new to plplot, I need it mostly thru it's ocaml binding.
> There are some concern, however:
> - from my understanding, the only option to embed a/several plots in a
> window, is to use the gnomecanva, right?
>  unfortunately, it's anti-aliasing quality is poor (I only got some
> form of text antialiasing in the C canva animation
>  demo, after uncommenting a mistyped ANTIALISED_CANVA in gnome.c under 
> driver/)

The gnomecanvas support in PLplot is, if I recall correctly,
deprecated in recent latest PLplot Subversion revisions.  However, the
extcairo device is useful for embedding in Gtk+ applications and
produces very nice looking plots.

> - The cairo driver generate plots 15-20% smaller than the other
> drivers (at least under OSX).

Do you mean the window size is 15-20% smaller?  The default Cairo
window/surface size is 720x540 units.  This can be changed with the
command line option "-geometry 1440x1080" to get, for example, a
1440x1080 plot size.  This option can also be set using plsetopt if
you don't use plparseopts in your program:

let x_size = 1440
let y_size = 1080
plsetopt "geometry" (string_of_int x ^ "x" ^ string_of_int y);

> - The cairo driver does not rescale the plot when the user resize it's
> windows (but flicker like mad processing redraw event anyway).
> - I'm missing the randr X extension under OSX, could it have some bad 
> influence?

The xcairo driver does not include any threading or offscreen plotting
for quicker re-rendering of the plot window yet.  I have the start of
a patch which adds offscreen rendering of plots for the xcairo driver.
 This can potentially minimize the flickering you mention.  That said,
it does not display plotting progress until either plend or plflush is
called, nor does it resize plots automatically when the window is
resized.  At least the plot progress portion issue should be fixed
before this is pushed out to PLplot.

> I would like to embed high quality screen output (like the wxWin,
> probably using quartz) in a gtk ocaml application, using simply the
> gtk drawing area to embed the cairo output, is it possible? I may help
> implementing it if necessary.

This is approximately the method used with the extcairo driver.  For
OCaml, it would require lablgtk2 and the Cairo OCaml bindings in
addition to PLplot.  I have the code to do this but I have not folded
it in to the official PLplot repository yet.  I will look in to doing
so, and in the mean time I can provide the relevant code as a separate
OCaml library if that would be of use.

Hope this helps,


Hezekiah M. Carty
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Maryland
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science

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