Hi, Andrew,

Thanks for your review and thoughtful comments!  Here are some replies.

On Feb 22, 2010, at 6:42 , Andrew Ross wrote:

> 1) Using structures of function pointers in C is clearly the way to
> implement this, but it might give us headaches for some languages  
> where
> either function pointers or structures are not available.

I thought about this point and hoped to alleviate any problems by not  
exposing the actual structures themselves.  Instead I provide  
functions that return pointers to said structures.  Languages that do  
not support function pointers or structures should at least be able  
to map the "pointer to structure" return values of these functions to  

> 2) There are quite a few callback functions implemented. In most cases
> we only need a get / set, although I can see that having the other
> operators is (slightly) more efficient in that only one call is  
> required.
> Does this make a noticeable difference?

Even for functions that require only set or get, I chose to pass in a  
pointer to the structure to keep the API consistent.  Functions that  
accept a pointer to a "plf2ops" structure yet use only one function  
pointer from that structure can simply declare a local function  
pointer and initialize it from the desired member of the structure.

> 3) Talking of efficiency, I worry that this introduces a large  
> additional
> level of complexity for a rather specialist set of cases where odd  
> data
> storage methods are used. I am slightly relieved by David's comments,
> but I would like to have a thorough comparison of the time difference.
> This should include a "large data" case as well where timings might be
> more important. The lena image might be one suitable case.

As I said earlier, I share this concern.  My 100x test was done using  
the Lena image, but I agree that further analysis would be reassuring  
(or not as the case may be).

> The test
> should also multi-language tests to see if not copying large amounts
> of data around is quicker than having lots of callbacks.

Sounds like a good idea.  I think copying/transposing data will lose  
out because either it requires dynamic allocation in the bindings or  
puts the onus of copying/transposing the data onto the user.

> 4) It terms of applications there are two big uses I can see
> a) To simplify the langauge bindings (which is mostly hidden from the
>    user).
> b) To allow the user to use odd data storage methods more  
> efficiently. I
>    can think of some interesting uses here like plotting a subset or
>    subsample of an array. It would be nice to include examples of  
> this.
>    This is potentially a much more generally useful outcome of this  
> from
>    a user point of view.

I completely agree with these points.  As I mentioned in an earlier  
email, I think 4b is a reason to consider implementing something  
similar for 1D data (e.g. to allow plotting of a single column of a  
2D array)!

> 5) Given the current mishmash of methods for dealing with 2-d arrays
> then I would like to see this implemented consistently for all
> functions which take 2-d data. Of course we need to ensure backwards
> compatibility, but we should ensure the "new" interface is right from
> the start.

I tried to make API of new functions as consistent as possible.  If  
you see any places where consistency could be improved, please let me  

The patch under discussion should maintain 100% backwards  
compatibility; any case where it doesn't is a bug!  To maintain  
backwards compatibility, I did not modify the API of any existing  
functions.  This includes functions, such as plfcont, that already  
accept a pointer to an "evaluator" function.  Those functions are  
admittedly in an "in between" state.  Perhaps new "plf2ops" variants  
of these functions could be created and the existing forms deprecated.

> Sorry this is rather late in the discussion!

IMHO, your content more than makes up for any delay!

Thanks again,

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