On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Steve Schwartz
<s.schwa...@imperial.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi Hez,
> I've found a couple of bugs in your plarc routine which I've also fixed,
> but since this is your code I'll leave you to look over it and commit
> as/when necessary. There were 3 bugs in your plarc_approx routine.
> Looking through the devices, it seems that with the exception of the
> cairo devices, all the others don't drive any native arc-drawing and so
> drop into your approx version. [I guess most/all ps and pdf, and svg,
> devices probably know how to draw an arc, so I guess these drivers could
> be modified, but that's another story. The approx version is perfectly
> adequate for most purposes.]


Thank you for the fixes!  I apologize for taking so long to respond.
I'm fairly certain that Qt, PS, PDF and SVG all support arc/circle
primitives.  They would all be nice to add, and likely fairly
straightforward when one of us has the time and initiative to do so.
I would love to have proper support for rotated arcs and ellipses as
well, but I don't think that will happen before the 5.10.0 release.

If you have time, please feel free to apply your changes.  Otherwise I
hope to get to this and some OCaml updates later this week or this
coming weekend.

I believe Hazen added plarc documentation to PLplot in Subversion, so
the documentation should be available online with the next release.

Thanks again,


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