On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Steve Schwartz
<s.schwa...@imperial.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi Hez,
> I've found a couple of bugs in your plarc routine which I've also fixed,
> but since this is your code I'll leave you to look over it and commit
> as/when necessary. There were 3 bugs in your plarc_approx routine.
> Looking through the devices, it seems that with the exception of the
> cairo devices, all the others don't drive any native arc-drawing and so
> drop into your approx version. [I guess most/all ps and pdf, and svg,
> devices probably know how to draw an arc, so I guess these drivers could
> be modified, but that's another story. The approx version is perfectly
> adequate for most purposes.]


Thank you for providing these fixes!  I'm sorry it took so long, but
as of revision 11192 you patch has been applied.  The example program
you provided now shows the same output for each of the plot pages,
regardless of the device used.

Part of the reasoning behind adding the plarc function was that so
many of our devices support native arc primitives.  I doubt that I
will have a chance to add device-level support, but hopefully the
plarc support in the Cairo device family will provide a reasonable
reference for others to work from.

Thank you again for the report and fix!


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