On Wed, Oct 03, 2012 at 02:48:11AM -0700, Alan Irwin wrote:
> On 2012-10-02 22:24-0400 Hezekiah M. Carty wrote:
> > I've used PLplot to plot a lot of data on maps, including mixing data
> > from shapefiles and other sources.  Based on my experience I think we
> > may be going off in the wrong direction here.
> Hi Hez:
> In order to be sure we understand the rest of your comments, could you
> explain in more detail how you made map data accessible to PLplot so
> you could decorate existing maps like you described above?  I assume
> your applications used the API of libraries like shapelib, MDAH, and
> OGR to import the map data you desired and then you called on the
> libplplot routines to manipulate those data further, but that
> assumption needs confirmation.
> If you do confirm that was the approach you took, my vision is quite
> similar except my idea was it would be an added convenience for many
> map/PLplot users to provide a PLplot API that imports map data so their
> applications can manipulate those data with further PLplot commands.
> Of course, if some users didn't like that PLplot map importing API,
> they would be free to import map data into their applications in any
> other way they like, but our job would be to make that PLplot map
> importing API reasonably attractive and useful for a large majority of
> users' map importing needs without making that API too complicated.
> If you respond you cannot simplify the shapelib, MDAH, and OGR API's
> any more than they are now for PLplot's _limited_ needs, then
> obviously it makes little sense for PLplot to provide duplicates of
> those map importing API's when the user can just call those libraries
> directly from his application.
> However, private map importing functionality _is_ needed behind the scenes for
> plmap (as used in example 19), and I think we should support that "hidden"
> approach (where the map data is simply plotted and not exposed to the
> calling routine) as well as the "exposed" approach (which does
> expose the map data to the calling routine) as outlined above.
> As we all know, the map importing that plmap does behind the scene
> currently uses an obscure map file format with very few maps
> associated with it, but I think we should expand that map importation
> capability along the lines I described above for the "exposed"
> approach.
> Would a good compromise be to work exclusively on improving the map
> import capability behind plmap for now?  If it turns out we like how
> we simplify the shapelib, MDAH, and OGR API's in that private case for
> plmap's limited map import needs, then we can turn that into a general
> public API suitable for the "exposed" case described above.  But if
> the improved map importing functionality we develop for plmap is not
> going to be added value for users (say, because it just duplicates
> shapelib, MDAH, and OGR API's) then we should keep it private for the
> exclusive use of plmap.
> I certainly agree with you that we need examples of the "exposed" case
> (whether implemented with direct calls to shapelib, MDAH, or OGR or
> via some PLplot map import API if that turns out we develop that). I
> haven't thought too much about your call for improvements in PLplot's
> functions to deal with additional general plotting needs that would be
> useful for the "exposed" map case, but I assume those ideas are well
> taken as well.


Certainly my take on this was that I was envisaging only using this
support for behind the scenes improvements to plmap, not reproducing 
a general interface to shapelib / ogr / gdal etc. There is no point
reproducing the wheel, particularly where things like shapelib have a
pretty simple API anyway.

I agree with Hez that all of this could be achieved already by the end
user with the existing API (helped by a new plpolygons function). However, 
given we have plmap already and it adds some functionality in terms
coordinate transformations I think we should limit ourselves to better
supporting different map formats for plmap, at least for now. 

Being able to simple draw some stock map as a background for the real
figure is useful (see Phil's examples) for scientific plotting. This
is quite different though to producing high quality maps which is a
job for a GIS and not plplot. 

I think this is what you were suggsting anyway isn't it?

The idea of using raster maps as a background for a plot is
interesting. I don't see why we couldn't implement an example of this
using the current plimagefr function anyway. This could be a very
pretty example of the kind of thing one can achieve with plplot. Just
needs a copyright free raster map as the backdrop. 


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