On 2014-02-04 15:36-0500 Hazen Babcock wrote:

> On 1/31/2014 3:58 PM, Alan W. Irwin wrote:
>> I did some further investigation:
>> According to
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2059326/git-equivalent-of-subversions-url-keyword-expansion,
>> support of svn:keywords is not available with git.  However, the
>> historical trend is to remove such version specification commentary
>> from our source code since check-in of a file with such special
>> commentary changes the file and therefore unnecessarily regenerates
>> the build after that checkin.  Even if we stayed with svn I would not
>> mind removing all svn:keywords properties so it is actually a positive
>> (in my view) that we would be forced to drop them if we converted to
>> git.
>> "man git-config" mentions setting up configuration for filesystems
>> that do not support the executable bit. The implication is that the
>> git repository stores an execute bit for files, and this is also
>> stated specificially in
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7048763/how-to-stop-git-from-making-files-non-executable-on-cygwin
>> So I think (2) is covered.
>> According to
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2127429/can-i-make-git-svn-handle-svneol-style
>> and "man git-config" it appears that git supports line ending
>> conversions so (3) appears to be covered.
>> Also from my general git background reading, git supports binary blob
>> files so I think (4) is covered as well.
>> In sum, I don't think (1) is a showstopper, but care must be used in
>> the conversion of our svn git repository so that (2) the executable bit is
>> automatically set for executable files on checkout for those
>> filesystems that support that, (3) the correct line ending are used for
>> Unix and Windows systems for non-blob files, and (4) the blob files (such
>> as www/img/bg.jpg) are properly identified as such to git so
>> they don't undergo line-ending transformations.
>> So Hazen, to put these concerns to rest can you check that (2), (3),
>> and (4) are true for your git repo using a Windows checkout (which I
>> think has filesystems that do not support the execute permissions bit
>> and which should certainly have Windows line endings for non-blob
>> files) and a Linux (or Mac OS X) checkout?
> Based on my experience and some tests using the PLplot git repo:
> (2) executable bit (linux) - This seems to be set correctly based on an 
> analysis of the scripts directory.
> (3) line endings - The correct line endings are used for unix and windows.
> (4) blob files - These are properly identified.

Hi Hazen:

Those results look good.  Therefore, as far as I am concerned, you
have addressed all the preliminary concerns I had, and assuming my
conversion of the much smaller timeephem project is a success, then I
think it is a good idea (because of the "network effect" advantages I
discussed) to convert the PLplot official repo to git.

I think I will be able to start that timeephem conversion two to three
weeks from now.  (It will likely not be sooner than that because of
the forthcoming PLplot release, and because I have to release a new
version of libLASi right after that PLplot release.) And finishing
that timeephem repo conversion, familiarizing myself with git, and
testing the result is going to take a while longer (probably until
April 1st or so).

So Hazen, assuming no other core PLplot developer have questions about
the conversion of the official PLplot repo to git would you be willing
to do that conversion (at SourceForge, see below) after I have
finished my timeephem git evaluation, i.e., roughly April 1st?

You also mentioned migrating the official repo (and I assume the rest
of PLplot) to github, but let's put that off and stick with git at
SourceForge for at least a year if not longer on the principle of not
introducing too many major disruptions at once.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
(unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).

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