On 8/15/2014 2:53 PM, Alan W. Irwin wrote:
> Hi Hazen:
> Earlier today I sent an e-mail to Brad King, the CMake git guru (with
> CC to you to keep you fully informed) asking how they implemented the
> enforcement hooks in their git repo to maintain the desired
> --first-parent properties of the integration branches used in their
> workflow.  Assuming we adopt their workflow, then I think it is
> absolutely essential that we get these enforcement hooks in place
> before proceeding further with PLplot development using git so I think
> it is a good idea to make our SF git repo read-only until this
> implementation issue for our workflow is resolved.  I plan to do that
> later today if you don't have any strong objections.

I object, but not strongly. What is the worst thing that can happen? We 
have to delete the repo and start over? Hooks or no hooks, mistakes are 
going to be made and will have to be dealt with, might as well start 
learning how to do that now.

In Arjen's case he would do the following:

git checkout master
git pull
git checkout -b fix_replot_08_15_2014
edit files
git add -- files
git commit -m "Fixed width issue in replot."

check that the fix works

git checkout next
git pull
git merge fix_replot_08_15_2014
git push sf-repo next

The only sticking point would be that we don't yet have a next (or a 
release) branch in our repo..


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