Hi Alan, all;
    I think I've found why the libs are not found. When built with the
"normal" options:

  cd build_dir
      -DENABLE_octave=off \
      -DENABLE_tcl=ON \
      -DENABLE_tk=ON \
      -DPL_FREETYPE_FONT_PATH=/usr/share/fonts/TTF \

The libraries do not have a suffix "d" anymore, and the gdl cmake script
looks specifically for libplplotd and libplplotcxxd (I suspect this is true
of a good many other packages that look for plplot -- IIRC I copied the GDL
files and modified them to find the Fortran libs for gtk-fortran).

The installed files I have are:
[james@manjaro build]$ pacman -Ql plplot-git | grep /usr/lib/libpl
plplot-git /usr/lib/libplf95demolib.a
plplot-git /usr/lib/libplplot.so
plplot-git /usr/lib/libplplot.so.12
plplot-git /usr/lib/libplplot.so.12.0.1
plplot-git /usr/lib/libplplotcxx.so
plplot-git /usr/lib/libplplotcxx.so.11
plplot-git /usr/lib/libplplotcxx.so.11.0.0
plplot-git /usr/lib/libplplotf95.so
plplot-git /usr/lib/libplplotf95.so.11
plplot-git /usr/lib/libplplotf95.so.11.0.0
plplot-git /usr/lib/libplplotf95c.so
plplot-git /usr/lib/libplplotf95c.so.11
plplot-git /usr/lib/libplplotf95c.so.11.0.0

The problem occurs both with the release and cvs versions of GDL as of a
few days ago anyway. But if you download the 0.9.5 release from sf, and
unpack it then make a build dir and run "cmake" in the build dir, it fails
at the stage of finding plplot.

The specific build in the AUR PKGBUILD file is:

  mkdir build
  cd build
      -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python2.7 \
      -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-I/usr/include/ImageMagick \
            -I/usr/include/python2.7 \
            -I/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include" ..

but it also happens without the various other options.


On 5 March 2015 at 23:03, Alan W. Irwin <ir...@beluga.phys.uvic.ca> wrote:

> On 2015-03-05 21:10-0000 James Tappin wrote:
>  Hi Alan, all:
>> As I didn't have time to do any proper investigations, I just put a
>> heads-up in the discussion forum at:
>> https://sourceforge.net/p/gnudatalanguage/discussion/
>> 338691/thread/dc2dd534/?limit=25#805a
> Hi James:
> There are no details in that discussion so far.  But with a new
> version of PLplot to be released soon, time is of the essence.
> Therefore, I quickly need a cookbook from you with all steps to
> download and configure the build of GDL with cmake.
> Ideally,
> (1) What download URL
> (2) What cmake version
> (3) Exactly what CMake options to configure that build and how
> that configuration is done (e.g., configure build in source
> tree in separate build tree, etc.)
> (4) The exact CMake configuration error you are seeing.
> Then once I can follow those steps and verify that issue for myself, it
> should be an easy matter for me to use git bisect to find the
> offending PLplot commit that caused the issue which will likely
> give us a clue about what needs to be fixed.
> Alan
> __________________________
> Alan W. Irwin
> Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
> University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).
> Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
> implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
> Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
> software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
> (unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
> and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).
> __________________________
> Linux-powered Science
> __________________________
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