On 2018-06-22 08:56+0930 Jonathan Woithe wrote:

Hi Alan

On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 04:51:04PM -0700, Alan W. Irwin wrote:
As far as I can tell from

git log --follow examples/c/extXdrawable_demo.c

Jonathan Woithe implemented that example a decade ago ...

I did.  The purpose of the example was to show how the external X drawable
device could be used to integrate into toolkits for which there was no
native PLplot device.

This example is really dated because it contains calls to the GTK+ API
that were already deprecated for GTK+ version 2 and non-existent for
GTK+ version 3.  And it is not a good idea to mix this GTK+ version 2
example with a PLplot core library that can depend directly (in the
non-dynamic drivers case) on GTK+ version 3 which has long been the
standard version of GTK+.  So I have effectively disabled the build of
examples/c/extXdrawable_demo.c in my recent commit 9893349d1.

These are all valid points, and disabling the build of the code seems like a
sensible step at this point.  Although it hasn't been mentioned, I would be
reluctant to see the example removed completely though, since it still
serves to show one possible way that the External X Drawable device can be

With that said, it would be good to update it for gtk3.

I would be willing to take a look at this myself, but it might be a few
months before I have the time to do so due to an elevated workload.  I am by
no means an expert on gtk but I might be able to get something functional

It's also worth noting that there was nothing special about choosing gtk for
this demo.  At the time I was working on an internal company tool which
needed to plot data in a GUI context.  It was a simple program and it ended
up using gtk (Qt wasn't an option at that point for various unrelated
reasons).  Since the demo came out of that work, the demo ended up using

Feel free to ping me in about 3 months if you haven't heard from me by then.

Hi Jonathan:

I was glad to see that you are still lurking on the PLplot devel list and also
willing to take a look at updating/replacing this example later on
when you anticipate more free time to work on this topic.

From what you have said, it appears this "external X" method should
transcend individual toolkits.  So any toolkit (e.g., Qt5 or GTK+
version 3) you decide to use in an implementation of a modern
"external X" example would be fine and also feel free to implement
this example in whichever of the C or C++ languages you prefer for the
task.  When the time comes I encourage you to call on me for any
PLplot build/test system help that you might need to integrate your
work into PLplot.

Alan W. Irwin

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
(unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).

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