Hi Alan,

See my answers below.



-----Original Message-----
From: Alan W. Irwin <alan.w.irwin1...@gmail.com>
Sent: 21 May 2019 22:12
To: Arjen Markus <arjen.mar...@deltares.nl>
Cc: 'Phil Rosenberg' <p.d.rosenb...@gmail.com>; PLplot development list 
Subject: RE: Testing of the next PLplot release

On 2019-05-21 07:05-0000 Arjen Markus wrote:

>>> AM: If you ask for "git" via "pacman -Ss git", youget a long list of 
>>> packages that are maintained via git and therefore have "git" in their 
>>> name. The only package that I could find which was about git itself, was 
>>> "msys/git". And indeed, that works.

In principle, we should depend on as few packages from the msys repo as 
possible.  So to finish this discussion could you please use the normal pacman 
technique (I cannot recall the details, but you have used it before) to list 
all installed AND uninstalled packages that contain the file git.exe?  That's 
the definitive test of whether there is a package containing git.exe from the 
mingw repo.  Of course, if such a package doesn't exist, then git.exe from the 
msys version of the git package appears to be working well.

>>AM: I have tried finding out what package contains git.exe, but the command 
>>for that (pacman -Ql or pacman -Sl) fails - either the package or the 
>>repository is not found.
From the packages listed via "pacman -Ssy git" I see two possible candidates:

mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-git-repo 0.4.20-1 (mingw-w64-x86_64)
    The multiple Git repository tool (mingw-w64)

msys/git 2.21.0-1 (VCS) [installed]
    The fast distributed version control system

I have the second one installed as that seemed the most likely to be the 
correct one.

>>> AM: I turned it (python) off because I had seen a compile error with SWIG. 
>>> When I tried it yesterday in the straightforward build, all was well and I 
>>> have Qt drivers, including qtwidget. So I intend to allow Python again for 
>>> the comprehensive testing.


>>> AM: Just an aside: while the programs you get with MinGW-w64/MSYS2 do not 
>>> depend on the installation of MinGWw-w64/MSYS2 and can there in principle 
>>> be run outside the mingw64 shell, there are dependencies on various 
>>> run-time libraries: the C examples depend on libwinpthread-1.dll, 
>>> libshp-2.dll, libfreetype-6.dll, libqhull.dll and possibly others (I just 
>>> listed the ones mentioned in message boxes I got when trying to run a 
>>> sample program). For the Fortran examples I got a dependency on 
>>> libgfortran-4.dll, libfreetype-6.dll and libshp-2.dll. So deployment is not 
>>> entirely as simple as all that.

I don't want to beat this to death, but my point was all those dll's you 
mentioned as dependencies are all native, i.e., they do not depend on any 
special msys2.dll that turns an ordinary Windows environment into something 
unique/non-native.  So I am virtually positive any PLplot executable or library 
that is linked to them should just work (e.g., in an ordinary Windows CMD 
environment) so long as the PATH is set to include the location of the MSYS2 
native dll's that are built by PLplot or provided as dependencies of PLplot by 
the native mingw repo provided by MSYS2.  And even that PATH requirement 
disappears if you can figure out how to convince CMake to link a static PLplot 
against the static libraries provided by the mingw repo.

>>AM: That is personal frustration speaking 😉. It makes things difficult that 
>>you always have to hunt down the DLLs that a program depends on. On Windows 
>>these can be hidden deeply and a tool like dependency walker cannot always 
>>detect the right ones.
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