On 2019-03-04 10:16+0100 Vincent MAGNIN wrote:

2) I have downloaded PLplot 5.14.0 from SourceForge, built it and installed it (see attached files):

$ mkdir build_pl && cd build_pl
$ cmake ../plplot-5.14.0 >& cmake.out
$ make VERBOSE=1 >& make.out
$ make VERBOSE=1 install >& make_install.out
$ sudo make VERBOSE=1 install >& make_install.out

Hi Vincent:

I have now had a chance to evaluate your *.out files for errors and warnings.

There were no errors, and for all files other than cmake.out the warnings
were spurious (due to a long-standing bug in gfortran).

The warning messages in your cmake.out file correspond to the following issues:

Missing fundamental libraries:

You should install both the qhull and shapelib development packages since 
PLplot interpolation
capability (qhull) and map ability (shapelib) is crippled without them.  You 
can search for
those packages with, e.g.,

irwin@merlin> apt-cache search qhull |grep dev
libqhull-dev - calculate convex hulls and related structures (development files)

irwin@merlin> apt-cache search shp |grep dev
libghc-psqueues-dev - Pure priority search queues
libshp-dev - Library for reading and writing ESRI Shapefiles - development files

So install libqhull-dev and libshp-dev to address these issues.

Missing device drivers:

Many device drivers are missing, e.g., the qt device driver which
is generally the same quality as our cairo device driver, because
you haven't installed the relevant development packages from Sid.
This is probably fine with you since you do have the Sid packages
installed that allow you to build the cairo device driver that you
are interested in at the moment.

Missing bindings:

Many bindings are missing, e.g., D, Java, Ocaml, Python, etc., because
you haven't installed the appropriate development packages from Debian
Sid.  That is probably fine with you since you do have Sid Fortran
support packages installed, and you appear to be interested just in
Fortran at the moment.

In sum, you definitely should install the libqhull-dev and libshp-dev
packages and you should at least be aware that you have many
additional missing PLplot components that could be addressed by
installing additional Sid development packages if/when you or your
colleagues get interested in those additional language bindings or
device drivers.

Alan W. Irwin

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
(unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).

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