On 2019-03-19 22:56-0300 Fernando M. Roxo da Motta wrote:

On Tue, 19 Mar 2019 18:10:45 -0700 (PDT), "Alan W. Irwin"
<alan.w.irwin1...@gmail.com> wrote:
[.... It is] important to use Fortran examples that are consistent with whatever
release you are using for PLplot, and I am pretty sure from what you
posted above that you don't have such Fortran example consistency
right now.

 I suspected that.  That was the reason I stated that I was using an
example set of a version prior to the installed version.

To solve this, I suggest you build PLplot from the latest release
(PLplot-5.14.0) yourself.  5.14.0 has important bug fixes relative to
5.13.0 so 5.14.0 is the version we recommend (and the only version
we support).

 I understand that.   I prefer to adhere to the version as
contemporary to the installation version I am using.   Makes things
easier to administer.   I only use different version if I can get it
from a PPA (whatever it means. ;) ).

I agree using a system installation prefix for a PLplot build is not a
good idea.  But avoiding that problem is straightforward.
All you have to do is specify a unique PLplot
installation prefix directory that belongs to your user account so you
can delete that whole installation tree easily without interfering
with system files.

For example, here is how I configure, build, test, and install PLplot here using
my "software" account which I have established for developing
my software projects.

# Create an empty build-tree and install tree
mkdir -p /home/software/plplot/HEAD/build_dir
rm -rf /home/software/plplot/HEAD/build_dir/* ~/plplot/installcmake

# Change directory to that initially empty build-tree.
cd /home/software/plplot/HEAD/build_dir

# Configure the PLplot build using locally built and installed lua,
# lasi, qhull, and CMake (each with their own install prefixes).  The
# -DBUILD_TEST=ON -DUSE_INCRTCL_VERSION_4=ON options are needed so
# that (i) build-tree testing is enabled and (ii)
# Tcl/Tk/Itcl/Itk/Iwidgets will be consistently found for Debian
# Testing.
# ../plplot.git is the location of the top-level directory of the
# source tree corresponding to the working directory of a git checkout of the 
PLplot repository
# at SourceForge.
time (env 
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/software/plplot/installcmake -DBUILD_TEST=ON 
-DUSE_INCRTCL_VERSION_4=ON ../plplot.git >& cmake.out)

# Build
time make -j16 all >& all.out

# Optional test
time ctest -j16 >& ctest.out

# Install using the /home/software/plplot/installcmake installation prefix
# configured above
time make -j16 install >& install.out

I use the -j16 option above to take full advantage of the 16 hardware
threads of my Ryzen 7 1700 PC, and I also use ccache.  As a result the
*total* time required for the above configure, build, and install steps takes
less than a minute while the optional ctest step takes only 1 minute and 20
seconds (!) on my hardware.

So again, building and installing modern PLplot should be completely 
for you.  However, if you want to stick strictly with Ubuntu binary versions
of PLplot, then that might be OK as well for you because you may have just
not installed the exact package that contains those examples.

For example, on my Debian Testing system, I can look for a specific fortran 
in packages using the following command:

irwin@merlin> apt-file search examples/fortran/x00f.f90
plplot-doc: /usr/share/doc/plplot-doc/examples/fortran/x00f.f90

So to get access to those examples, I would have to install the plplot-doc
Ubuntu should be quite similar since its PLplot packages are derived from
the Debian ones.  So I would be surprised if they actually forgot to
package the Fortran examples, but the name of the package might be a little
different for Ubuntu.
So I suggest you first install the apt-file package
(which contains /usr/bin/apt-file), then as root update that command

apt-file update

After that update you should be able to mimic my command above in
an ordinary user account to find the exact Ubuntu package name that
contains the PLplot fortran examples that are consistent with the binary version of PLplot that exists on your particular Ubuntu version.

I hope that apt-file idea solves your original question, but even if
that is a success I also hope you also consider building and
installing your own version of PLplot since that is so easy to do and
because of the bug-fixing and support arguments I mentioned earlier.

Alan W. Irwin

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
(unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).

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