On Tue, Nov 06, 2001, Bill Janssen wrote:

> Are you thinking of the History and HistoryData data structures?

I'm thinking about every part of the viewer that work on a
one-record-at-a-time basis...

Finding the next/previous segment is the easy part. Adding some kind
of wrapper function that can glue together the records and present
them as one to the rest of the viewer's functions is the difficult
part. Show me that and you have a winner ;-)

> We currently have a max-paragraph-size of 1000 characters for plain
> text, and 3000 for HTML. 

*Our* parser makes sure that the paragraphs are of an acceptable size,
but that is not required by the Plucker format...

> The paragraph count would be the rough guide, with actual lines on
> screen providing some fine detail within that.

When you have rendered all segments you know the exact size of the page.


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